June 18, 2009

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions Modeling: ENERGY 2020 Model Inputs and Assumptions

ICF International was selected to assist the state and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Task Force in updating the State of Hawaii’s inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and to develop and model alternative plans to achieve the State’s greenhouse gas reduction target. This report outlined the assumptions and data inputs used in developing the Reference Case that will be used as the basis for evaluating proposed policy changes. The REMI model was linked to the ENERGY 2020 model used for this study for U.S. regional and state level analyses and included inter-state/provincial, U.S. and world trade flows, price and investment dynamics, and simulated the real-time impact of energy and environmental concerns on the economy and vice versa.

ICF International – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Modeling: Energy 2020 Model Inputs and Assumptions [full PDF]