While the national economy continues to grow, storm clouds are brewing. Past experience shows the business cycle can peak without warning, exposing states’ fiscal and economic vulnerabilities.
To prepare for an uncertain future, state policy makers must always sharpen their long-term economic development approach. Planning for opportunities and risks requires an honest evaluation of a state’s economy and fiscal health – both strengths and weaknesses.
Please join us in Denver, Colorado for a luncheon presentation by REMI Vice President Billy Leung and REMI Economic Associate Kyle Compton discussing long-range planning to weather future shortfalls and take advantage of untapped potential.
We will also be featuring a guest presentation by Chris Brown, Director of Policy and Research at Common Sense Policy Roundtable. He will be discussing the economic effects of restricting housing growth in the state of Colorado.
REGISTER FOR THIS LUNCHEON [menu_3_description] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [speakers_name] => Chris Brown [speakers_designation] => Common Sense Policy Roundtable [speakers_image] => Array ( [ID] => 2408 [id] => 2408 [title] => Chris B [filename] => Chris-B-e1535728873402.jpg [filesize] => 9828 [url] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-e1535728873402.jpg [link] => https://www.remi.com/events-site/avoiding-risk-economic-growth-strategies-denver-co/chris-b/ [alt] => [author] => 1 [description] => [caption] => [name] => chris-b [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 2235 [date] => 2018-02-16 18:58:57 [modified] => 2018-08-31 15:21:18 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [type] => image [subtype] => jpeg [icon] => https://www.remi.com/wp-includes/images/media/default.png [width] => 275 [height] => 275 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-150x150.jpg [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-300x300.jpg [medium-width] => 300 [medium-height] => 300 [medium_large] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-e1535728873402.jpg [medium_large-width] => 275 [medium_large-height] => 275 [large] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-e1535728873402.jpg [large-width] => 275 [large-height] => 275 [1536x1536] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-e1535728873402.jpg [1536x1536-width] => 275 [1536x1536-height] => 275 [2048x2048] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Chris-B-e1535728873402.jpg [2048x2048-width] => 275 [2048x2048-height] => 275 ) ) [speakers_description] =>Chris Brown is Director of Policy and Research for Common Sense Policy Roundtable, based in Denver, Colorado.
Prior to joining Common Sense in 2017, Mr. Brown served as Manager of Business Development at REMI. Mr. Brown started at REMI as an assistant economist and progressed to lead projects and sales opportunities. In 2011, he established REMI’s DC office and oversaw the growth of the company in the nation’s capital.
Highlights of his work include modeling the fiscal and economic impacts of Medicaid expansion in eight states. He led a successful effort to bring an economic model to the state of California as part of major regulation program. He also helped forecast the state-by-state economic effects of budget sequestration with Third Way, a centrist think tank, and examined a federal tax proposal for the U.S. Senate.
Mr. Brown holds a B.A. in Economics from University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
) [1] => Array ( [speakers_name] => Billy Leung [speakers_designation] => REMI [speakers_image] => Array ( [ID] => 2190 [id] => 2190 [title] => Billy Bio [filename] => Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [filesize] => 109029 [url] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [link] => https://www.remi.com/leadership/billy-leung-2/billy-bio/ [alt] => [author] => 1 [description] => [caption] => [name] => billy-bio [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 344 [date] => 2018-02-06 20:06:00 [modified] => 2018-03-21 21:10:36 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/png [type] => image [subtype] => png [icon] => https://www.remi.com/wp-includes/images/media/default.png [width] => 275 [height] => 275 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [medium-width] => 275 [medium-height] => 275 [medium_large] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [medium_large-width] => 275 [medium_large-height] => 275 [large] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [large-width] => 275 [large-height] => 275 [1536x1536] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [1536x1536-width] => 275 [1536x1536-height] => 275 [2048x2048] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Billy-Bio-e1521667037144.png [2048x2048-width] => 275 [2048x2048-height] => 275 ) ) [speakers_description] =>Billy Leung is the Vice President of REMI, where he plays a leading role in U.S. and international consulting and support services. He has worked with government agencies and organizations throughout North America and the world, helping them achieve their planning and policy analysis goals.
Mr. Leung has assisted clients in addressing the impacts of both policy changes and unpredictable events such as natural disasters. He has evaluated the economic and policy impacts of terrorist attacks and other threats to public safety and public health. His research efforts include:
As part of REMI’s global services, Mr. Leung has worked with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Korea Energy Economics Institute. In addition to his international efforts, Mr. Leung has assisted state and regional agencies, including Southern California Association of Governments. He has supported their long-term transportation and environmental planning initiatives.
Mr. Leung joined REMI in 2002 and was promoted to vice president in 2009. Over the years, he has contributed to the development of the REMI model and performed economic impact studies. He has analyzed the economic impact of the biodiesel industry in New York State for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and researched the economic impact of widening New Mexico’s US 54 for the New Mexico Department of Transportation.
He holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and received his M.A. in Regional Economics and Social Development at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. His master’s thesis was on the research and development of incorporating transportation and land use with Input/Output economic modeling.
Kyle Compton is an Economic Associate at REMI, responsible for client support and business development. Since joining REMI in May 2017, Mr. Compton has tested and reported on the company’s dynamic economic modeling software. He also assisted in sales and marketing through data analysis and development of a weekly reporting system.
Prior to starting at REMI, Mr. Compton was a research intern/consultant for Verité, a nonprofit organization that conducts research, advocacy and consulting on global working conditions. He presented original research on panel-regression analysis of causes of forced labor and researched labor profiles of emerging economies. Building on his work for Verité, he earned the James Kindahl Award in Economics from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst for his paper, “Determinants of Forced Labor: Evidence from 21 Emerging Economies”. The paper is under review for publishing in the Massachusetts Undergraduate Journal of Economics.
Mr. Compton will graduate from UMass Amherst in May 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics.
) ) [register_link] => [button_remi class="width3 sections-class" link="javascript:void(0)" label="REGISTER FOR THIS LUNCHEON" id="section-5"] [event_image] => Array ( [ID] => 2358 [id] => 2358 [title] => Denver The Curtis [filename] => Denver-The-Curtis.jpg [filesize] => 161173 [url] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis.jpg [link] => https://www.remi.com/events-site/avoiding-risk-economic-growth-strategies-denver-co/denver-the-curtis/ [alt] => [author] => 1 [description] => [caption] => [name] => denver-the-curtis [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 2235 [date] => 2018-02-15 20:31:37 [modified] => 2018-02-15 20:31:40 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [type] => image [subtype] => jpeg [icon] => https://www.remi.com/wp-includes/images/media/default.png [width] => 800 [height] => 441 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis-150x150.jpg [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis-300x165.jpg [medium-width] => 300 [medium-height] => 165 [medium_large] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis-768x423.jpg [medium_large-width] => 768 [medium_large-height] => 423 [large] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis.jpg [large-width] => 800 [large-height] => 441 [1536x1536] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis.jpg [1536x1536-width] => 800 [1536x1536-height] => 441 [2048x2048] => https://www.remi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Denver-The-Curtis.jpg [2048x2048-width] => 800 [2048x2048-height] => 441 ) ) [event_title] => The Curtis, Dodgeball Room [event_address] =>The Curtis
1405 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80202
Parking is available from $12-$40.
[event_description] => [registers_link] => [button_remi class="width3 sections-class" link="javascript:void(0)" label="REGISTER FOR THIS LUNCHEON" id="section-5"] [email_body] =>Thank you for your interest in REMI. Your registration is confirmed for our luncheon “Avoiding Risk: Economic Growth Strategies” on Wednesday, March 14th, 2018. I have included the agenda with the location details for reference.
The event will take place from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at The Curtis, Dodgeball Room on 1405 Curtis St., Denver, CO 80202.
We will call a day or so before the event to confirm your attendance and to see if you have any questions. Please feel free to share the invitation with any other staff or colleagues who may be interested.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!