March 21, 2019

Economic Impact Analysis for H-GAC's High Capacity Transit (HCT) Project

This analysis that was completed by the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) used the REMI TranSight model to evaluate the economic impacts of certain project investments that would factor into the region’s transportation plan. H-GAC sought out to measure the likelihood of economic activity and transportation efficiencies within the High Capacity Transit (HCT) projects, in addition to the macroeconomic effects. Researchers found that when using the REMI TranSight model, economic impacts can be considered and evaluated during planning for transportation projects, long-range system planning, or corridor planning. This report also involved combining the REMI model and a Travel Demand Model in order to strengthen the RPC and MPO Long-Range Transportation Plan with implementation strategies and data-driven recommendations.

Houston-Galveston Area Council – Economic Impact Analysis for HGAC’s High Capacity Transit (HCT) Project [full PDF]