February 24, 2016

Regional Forecast for Plan Bay Area 2040

REMI developed a Bay Area PI+ model for this regional forecast study that reflected the unique characteristics of the Bay Area economy in order to assess the employment, population, household, in-commute, and Regional Housing Control Total projections within the Plan Bay Area 2040 forecast. The Association of Bay Area Governments then compared the projections gathered by this report to other projections by organizations and entities, such as the California Department of Finance and the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, and provided reasoning for the projection disparities. The report went on to explain that, although the analysis spoke to the regional level, as different scenarios are explored for local policy and regional transportation investments, patterns will emerge on where growth may concentrate or disperse, and the types of jobs and housing that may locate in different parts of the region.

Association of Bay Area Governments – Regional Forecast for Plan Bay Area 2040 [full PDF]