January 30, 2009

The Economic Impact of Improved Network Efficiency and Operations and Maintenance Spending Due to the New Mexico Rail Runner Express

This report documented an analysis performed by The Mid-Region Council of Governments regarding the economic impact of the New Mexico Rail Runner Express to the region it served using the REMI TranSight model. For this project, a five-region model was developed that included Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia, and Santa Fe Counties and the rest of New Mexico, which allowed for analysis of inter-county commuting along the Rail Runner line. Some key aspects of commuter rail service were summarized in this report such as the economic impact of improved network efficiency and operations and maintenance expenditures on the region. It was estimated that a more efficient network and operations and maintenance spending created 845 jobs, improved the health care, retail trade and construction industries, decreased employment growth due to increases in efficiency of service, and raised the gross regional product by $1.2 billion over 15 years.

The Mid-Region Council of Governments – The Economic Impact of Improved Network Efficiency and Operations and Maintenance Spending Due to the New Mexico Rail Runner Express [full PDF]